Hope for the Middle East

The Ismael Foundation works with all kinds of Reformed denominations in the Netherlands. It focuses on the spiritual needs of the Arabic-speaking peoples in Muslim countries in the Middle East, whether these countries are open for the Gospel or not.

What we do


The Ismael Foundation distributes thousands of children's Bibles (Rev. Meeuse and Van Dam) in countries such as Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and the Palestinian areas. We also print and distribute Bibles Christian literature in most Arab countries (including translation).


The Ismael Foundation delivers emergency aid and relief projects through local partners. There is a serious shortage of food, medicine and other necessities. Due to the many problems, there is a great need in the Middle East and the situation is still deteriorating in several countries.


With the project Desert Life we support field workers who live together with the inhabitants of an Arab country. They share the Gospel in personal contact and try to work on building small, (sometimes) underground churches.


God works miracles, also in the Middle East. More Muslims than ever before are turning away from the violence of radical Islam and finding peace in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Bibles and Christian literature are in great demand in the Arab world, countries where Christians are only tolerated or even persecuted.

14 Active in 14 countries with a
Muslim majority

210.000 210,000 books of which
25,000 Bibles

25 Translation and distribution of more
than 25 different Christian books

7 Various field workers have been sent
through our project Desert Life